Mom came to visit! Finally! YAY!!!
She arrived last thursday night. Her flight was fine with the exception of missing her connection in Atlanta. But she arrived in one piece in Hartford at 10 pm. She slept in the sun room, comfortably and warmly. Here are some pics of the sun room as it was getting finished and the living room before the mass arrival!

Yes, those are 8 ft long boards in the living room. That is where I was, and will be again, doing the staining. You can see the insulation in the background behind Dave, and the general chaos that was. The fan is newly installed, with its beautiful medallion and the floor recently painted. The room looks very good! We did not get a chance to finish the trim before mom's arrival because Dave cut open his hand on a piece of glass and needed 5 stitches. He is healing up well, though his hand is still sore.
By the time mom arrived. The living room was clean. The sunroom had a bed and a desk in it. 3/4 of the baseboard trim was mounted and we had a little space heater to suppliment the heat. All in all, it was quite nice...for a room still being worked on!