In September Dana and I finally got to make a trip to NYC! For the first time since I have started with Disney, I got to visit our NYC office and meet the Prepress. The Prepress are the people I work with everyday. We talk on the phone multiple times a day. Dana use to joke that she spoke to them more than her own husband! HA! Yeah, sometimes I feel that way too. =)
Visiting the office was great. Everything was in boxes because the office was moving to White Plains two weeks I haven't been to White Plains yet. Give it another 2 years and I will be allowed to leave for that trip! LOL! I finally met Tisha, who is AWESOME!, and who is the NY side of the production department. I met Kelly, who use to be my prepress contact person, but who abandoned me for a different prepress. =) I do miss her cynicism. (Love you kelly!)
We went to lunch with the girls and had a great time. Tisha took us to a really good Mexican restaurant in the guacamole I have ever had! They had this funny wall of water with little diving guys . I had to take pictures.
After lunch we went to prepress. They live inside the ESPN magazine office. Wow, is EPSN different than our office in Noho. First it is way more manly. Sports and trophy's and testosterone everywhere. They have basketball hoops on the wall and a score board that I assume is not actually keeping score of anything. But you never know, those sports types are pretty competitive! So after being blown back by the world of sports magazines...let me put it this way, Socktopus and Fun Finger Food for Four Year Olds would be topics that need a glossery. So after walking through ESPN, we went into the cave of prepress. It is this tiny little room filled with computers and scanners and people..and I am pretty sure a colony of Gnomes lives under one of the desks! But I finally got to put a face to the people I talk to every day. Jackie is my primary contact person. She use to be known as the "new Kelly." But she has her own identity now. Most of that was PTSD from Kelly's departure. We have had some therapy, heart to heart talks, some prozac and we have all adjusted. Ha ha....seriously though Jackie kicks ass!
Dana and I had a great trip. We spent a lot of time talking about what my world will be like without here....sad, but manageable. I miss her terribly, but doing fine. Thankfully she comes into the office periodically, so I get to see her. =)
Well, check out the photos, sorry they were so long in coming.
Oh yeah, and if you are wondering about the random Grand Central was my first time there. So I was being a total tourist! I just couldn't help myself.