Sunday, July 30, 2006

Adventures of the Bulkhead

Hello the world!

Ok...more like hello to the five or six people who actually read this! could be the whole world. Anyway, shall we digress. We have made some huge progress on the house. Ray's dad finally came out with his tractor so we could rip apart our bulkhead. We had to do this in order to be able to move forward with the bathroom renovations. The part of the house sticking out without any support (you will see this in the video) is where the bathroom is being extended into. We didnt remove the support, there was none there to begin with...yeah, nice huh?! But we also have to rebuild our bulkhead. SOoooo..we are now in a position to do this. Check out the movie...and yes I mean movie! This is not just some stinking video...

Click here!

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