Monday, January 01, 2007

Christmas Presents

On Christmas morning, rubbing my sleepy eyes, I walked down the stairs to see that Santa and his family had visited our tree. Even Cow was excited!

Once all the sleepy eyed people got coffe and a bagel and OJ and more coffee and cigarettes and more coffee and a pastry, we started opening the stockings. And what did we find but candy pooping christmas animals!

So after our animal entertainment, we dove right into the presents! Well, after some more coffee and food of course! But then, right into the presents!

Adam and Jen looking so cute on the couch, next to a fat chicken whose bum is practically falling off the couch. Dave and I next to the gift Trish and Randy gave to us. Of course we look much better in the framed picture! The third pic is Ray and Meridith looking at the present Dave and I gave them for Yule.

Here is Adam getting very excited about opening a gift...and then him wearing the cashmere present!

Here is Dave opening...and then wearing his fabulous cashmere sweater! We love the cashmere santa!!!

And here is a horrible pic of Adam, Jen, Dave and myself wearing "We love our old house" shirts! and it's true...we do love our old house!

And here is a picture of my feet wearing very comfy slipper from Patrick! ummmm....warm feet!

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